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Volcano Fuego Erupted

Yesterday Volcano Fuego erupted, located 30km outside of Guatemala City. Many have died and are still lost amongst the lava. We are pleased that all the people and projects we work with are safe but understandably everyone is very shaken up.

Here's an update about those we work with

Alam, one of our mentors. His brother and cousin are firefighters and were working in the area affected yesterday amongst the rescue operation. They stopped working before midnight and started again this morning at 5am.

The My Special Treasure Protection Home Were left without power for 12 hours. The girls stayed inside all day and were very cold day due to the volcanic cloud covering the sky. Lots of ash landed on site. Very dirty. Lots of sweeping and cleaning.

Ash on the playground and vans at the Girls Home

Education Centre

No school yesterday so people could sweep and clean the ash.

Time of Rescue Crisis Support Team

Are on standby ready to go in the next few days. There will be much to do in the wake of the disaster.

Respond with Prayer

Here in the UK we are fortunate enough to not experience the intensity of natural disasters. Please keep those in Guatemala in your prayers, that they may find peace amongst the shock and those fighting for their lives will find freedom from their situation.

Thank-you for your continuing support.


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